
To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a Charge object. You can retrieve and refund individual charges. Charges are identified by a unique, random ID.

API Endpoint :

The charge object

Attribute Description
type type of the object, in this case it will return charge
id Unique identifier for the object.
currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
amount A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 to charge £1.00) representing how much to charge.
fees The fee (if any) for the charge.
description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
txn_reference ID of the invoice this charge is for if one exists.
threedSecure.redirect The URL provided to you to redirect a customer to as part of a redirect authentication flow.
threedSecure.returnUrl The URL you provide to redirect the customer to after they authenticated their payment.
threedSecure.status The status of the redirect, either PENDING (ready to be used by your customer to authenticate the transaction), CHARGEABLE (succesful authentication, cannot be reused) or NOT_AVAILABLE (redirect should not be used) or FAILED (failed authentication, cannot be reused).
status Status of the charge
token The token object used for charge
created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
mode live if the object exists in live mode or the value test if the object exists in test mode.

Create a charge

To charge a credit card or other payment source, you create a Charge object. If your API key is in test mode, the supplied payment source (e.g., card) won’t actually be charged, although everything else will occur as if in live mode. (ATLPay assumes that the charge would have completed successfully).

Attribute Mandatory Description
token Yes A card token to be charged, like the ones returned by ATLPay.js.
amount Yes A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 to charge £1.00) representing how much to charge.
currency Yes 3-letter ISO code for currency.
description Yes An arbitrary string which you can attach to a Charge object. It is displayed when in the web interface alongside the charge.
txn_reference No ID of the invoice this charge is for if one exists.
return_url YES The URL you provide to redirect the customer to after they authenticated their payment.


Returns a Charge object if the charge succeeded. Returns an error if something goes wrong. A common source of error is an invalid or expired card, or a valid card with insufficient available balance.

Example request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -F token=776e05d1-cda5-4f78-8d36-761a23b8a30a \
  -F amount=500 \
  -F currency=GBP \
  -F 'description=Order Desc' \
  -F 'txn_reference=Your Order Number' \
  -F return_url=

Example response

    "type": "charge",
    "id": "C2018062972567",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "amount": 500,
    "fees": null,
    "description": "Order Desc",
    "txn_reference": "Your Order Number",
    "threedSecure": {
        "redirect": "",
        "returnUrl": "",
        "status": "PENDING"
    "status": "PENDING",
    "token": {
        "type": "token",
        "id": "776e05d1-cda5-4f78-8d36-761a23b8a30a",
        "card": {
            "fundingType": "DEBIT",
            "country": "GB",
            "last4Digits": "3005",
            "type": "VISA_DEBIT",
            "brand": "VISA",
            "bank": "BANK OF IRELAND (UK) PLC",
            "name": "Richard AMOAH",
            "authorization": "REQUIRED",
            "addressLine1": null,
            "addressLine2": null,
            "addressCity": null,
            "addressState": null,
            "addressZip": null,
            "addressCountry": null
        "created": 1530260981
    "created": 1530266033,
    "mode": "live"

Retrieve a charge

Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created. Supply the unique charge ID that was returned from your previous request, and ATLPay will return the corresponding charge information. The same information is returned when creating or refunding the charge.

Example request

curl -X GET \ \
    -H 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Example response

     "type": "charge",
     "id": "C2018062972567",
     "currency": "GBP",
     "amount": 500,
     "fees": null,
     "description": "Order Desc",
     "txn_reference": "Your Order Number",
     "threedSecure": {
         "redirect": "",
         "returnUrl": "",
         "status": "PENDING"
     "status": "PENDING",
     "token": {
         "type": "token",
         "id": "776e05d1-cda5-4f78-8d36-761a23b8a30a",
         "card": {
             "fundingType": "DEBIT",
             "country": "GB",
             "last4Digits": "3005",
             "type": "VISA_DEBIT",
             "brand": "VISA",
             "bank": "BANK OF IRELAND (UK) PLC",
             "name": "Richard AMOAH",
             "authorization": "REQUIRED",
             "addressLine1": null,
             "addressLine2": null,
             "addressCity": null,
             "addressState": null,
             "addressZip": null,
             "addressCountry": null
         "created": 1530260981
     "created": 1530266033,
     "mode": "live"

Capture a charge

Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge. Uncaptured payments expire exactly seven days after they are created. If they are not captured by that point in time, they will be marked as refunded and will no longer be capturable.


Returns the charge object. Capturing a charge will always succeed, unless the charge is already refunded, expired, captured in which case this method will return an error.

Example request

curl -X POST \ \
    -H 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Example response

    "type": "charge",
    "id": "C2018062972567",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "amount": 500,
    "fees": 33,
    "description": "Order Desc",
    "txn_reference": "Your Order Number",
    "threedSecure": {
        "redirect": "",
        "returnUrl": "",
        "status": "CAPTURED"
    "status": "CHARGE_SUCCESS",
    "token": {
        "type": "token",
        "id": "776e05d1-cda5-4f78-8d36-761a23b8a30a",
        "card": {
            "fundingType": "DEBIT",
            "country": "GB",
            "last4Digits": "3005",
            "type": "VISA_DEBIT",
            "brand": "VISA",
            "bank": "BANK OF IRELAND (UK) PLC",
            "name": "Richard AMOAH",
            "authorization": "REQUIRED",
            "addressLine1": null,
            "addressLine2": null,
            "addressCity": null,
            "addressState": null,
            "addressZip": null,
            "addressCountry": null
        "created": 1530260981
    "created": 1530269496,
    "mode": "live"